10 benefits of tomatoes for the health of the body, can make Trim Lho!

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Who does not know the tomatoes? The tomato is one of the fruits that knows no season so easily found anywhere and anytime. In addition to the easily obtainable, the benefits of tomatoes are very good for health.

10 benefits of tomatoes for the health of the body, can make Trim Lho!
10 benefits of tomatoes for the health of the body, can make Trim Lho!

In general the benefits of tomatoes for health, which can support making lifestyle become healthier naturally. Eating tomatoes is a wise step to ensure that you get the benefits i.e., maintain stability, freshness and body fitness.

Nutritional Content Of Tomatoes
Tomato benefits to health associated with the wealth of nutrients and vitamins. Tomatoes contain natural antioxidants called likopen. This is the substance that helps the body fight cancer-causing free radicals. In addition, another antioxidant found in tomatoes i.e. polyphenol, naringenin, and chlorogenic acid.

Tomatoes contain low in calories and fat, but rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, carotenoids, lutein, potassium and sugar, as well as a large amount of vitamin B6 and thiamine.

The benefits of Tomatoes in order to support the health of the body
Here are some the benefits of tomatoes for your health that you can get, among other things:

1. Address the inflammation

The benefits of the first tomato that is as anti-inflammatories because Tomatoes contain tomatine. In addition, the benefits of tomatoes can also lift the grease and dirt on the face because they contain citric acid. Tomatoes are also useful for antioxidant because it contains vitamin C and beta-carotene.

2. Prevent skin damage

According to a study, likopen is suspected to increase the ability of the skin to protect themselves from exposure to ultraviolet rays and helps keep skin looking youthful.

In addition, vitamin C in tomatoes also functions as a stimulant of collagen and antioxidants that help prevent skin damage by sunlight, pollution and smoke. The benefits of tomatoes for the face also helps prevent wrinkles and improve skin texture.

3. Maintain eye health

Health benefits of tomatoes for turned out can make eyes more healthy because the content of beta carotene. A study revealed that vitamin A-rich foods can increase the productivity of the retina, especially in the less lighting and interpreting color as well as improve the development of the eye.

4. Address the clotting of blood

The benefits of tomatoes next can overcome fatigue, prevent blood clotting, and increase sperm count in men. In addition, the benefits of tomatoes can also maintain balance in the body's health.

5. Address the boils

The benefits of tomatoes that people rarely know to treat boils. Here's how to treat boils with timat; heat the tomato seeds and flesh, then lay on top of the sore for a while.

6. Cope with Acne

In addition to ulcers, benefits of tomatoes for a facial breakouts. Here's how a tomato, cut into sections, and then rubbing on acne. Do this every day for 1 month.

7. Overcome digestive disorders

In addition to the health benefits of tomatoes on top, it turns out that tomatoes also can restore the function of lever, overcome digestive disorders, diseases of bile, to prevent cholera.

8. Tackling heart disease

Likopen antioxidants contained in tomatoes is trusted can overcome heart disease, minimize wrinkles on the face and black spots due to sun light.

A number of studies show that the benefits of tomato is closely related to cardiovascular health and decrease the risk factors for heart disease. Potassium content and likopennya effectively lowers levels of bad cholesterol or LDL and help maintain the stability of the rhythm of the heart.

Nutrients in tomatoes also proved able to reduce inflammation associated with risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke, especially in people with obesity.

9. Keep your weight

Health benefits of tomatoes for this one it is important to you who are losing weight, because of the wide range of nutrient content in tomato fruits can fullfill the needs of nutrition while dieting. Suitable for you who want a slim body.

10. Treat sprains

The next tomato efficacy as an herb that could cure sprains. How, tomato mash together Sesame using blender. Then heated to greasy. Then the oil is used to massage or sort out a joint sprains.

Thankyou for visiting this site and reading 10 benefits of tomatoes for the health of the body, can make Trim Lho!

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