7 fruit that turns out to Contain a lot of carbohydrates

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When hearing of carbs, you certainly directly directing thoughts on rice, potatoes or noodles instead? Yes, the food is indeed a food ingredients that contain a lot of carbohydrates. However, did you know that fruit also contain carbohydrates. What are the fruits that contain carbohydrates that?

7 fruit that turns out to Contain a lot of carbohydrates
7 fruit that turns out to Contain a lot of carbohydrates

High Carbohydrate Fruit are harmful to health?

If you've previously argued that carbohydrates only on staple food, preferably you should change that view because there are also fruit containing carbohydrates.

It is certainly important to know, let alone in some cases requiring the intake of carbohydrates in the body should be limited. It's not just the intake restriction of staple food, but also from high-carbohydrate-containing fruit.

Fruit containing carbohydrates caused due to the natural sugar content of the fruit. Although the natural sugars in fruit are a healthy and good sugar consumed, in fact the sugar stick is one of the other forms of carbohydrates.

Fruits containing sugar is basically a good thing because it contained naturally. However, a high intake of carbohydrates in fruit would certainly get the attention of important, that you do not overdo eating fruit containing carbohydrates high in one day.

This should be a concern for those of you who are living the low-carb diet, keep your sugar levels body, or doing a low calorie diet.

Thus, Any fruit that Contains Carbohydrates?
Some types of fruit that contain lots of carbohydrates is a fruit with a high sugar content and some kind of processed fruit. The following 7 types of fruit that contains carbohydrates, of which:

1. mango Fruit

Fruit containing carbohydrates first is mango. In General, almost all people love with mango. The fruit is sweet and refreshing, this became one of the favorite choice. Unfortunately, the sweetness is thus susceptible to cause the content of carbohydrate from fruit sugars become higher.

In a medium-size mango fruit, your body will get a fair amount of carbohydrate intake is about 40 grams. This figure is certainly high enough to meet the needs of daily carbohydrates the body.

2. banana Fruit

Are you one of those people who love to eat bananas? If Yes, it looks like you have to be vigilant with the content of carbohydrates in it. Fruit containing carbohydrates contain about 30 grams in a single banana cereal

This certainly makes the banana fruit is not appropriate as selected when you're living the low-carb diet with the goal of a medical condition or weight loss.

3. Apples

In addition to the mango and banana, apples are fruits containing carbohydrates. In single portions there are 25 grams of carbs. Although Apple is a fruit that contain lots of nutrients, so it is often referred to as a type of fruit that is super healthy, but Apple is a fruit high in carbs are best avoided if you're living the low-carb diet.

4. Dried Fruit

Often do You eat fruit, plums, dried prune and raisin? If Yes, then you ought to be considering a fairly high carbohydrate content in dried fruit.

Dried fruit generally undergo a process that can boost the natural sugar content in it, so make it a high-carbohydrate-containing fruit. It is indeed making the fruit into a durable, but unfortunately in 100 grams dried fruit have a high carbohydrate content i.e. 70-90 grams of carbohydrates.

Please note, the sugar can be formed naturally dried fruit in concentrates. One cup of dried currants contain 110 grams carbohydrates and one cup of dried apricot pieces contain 72 grams. By comparison, a cup of fresh apricots contain 15 grams of carbohydrates.

In addition, sweetened and dried cranberries contains 92 grams of carbs per Cup, sweetened and dried blueberries containing 116 grams carbohydrates, while a cup of fresh blueberries contains only 18 grams.

5. Pineapple

In one cup of pineapple there are 22 grams carbs. However, buaht high in carbohydrates offers many nutrients. You will get a 131 percent of the daily vitamin C needs and 76 percent of your daily needs of manganese in one cup.

6. Strawberry

Carbs in strawberries should really be advised for diabetics. Excessive carbohydrates intake in diabetics will make it difficult to control blood sugar. The strawberry itself contains 12.7 grams carbohydrate.

In General, people with diabetes will limit your intake of carbs as much as 45 to 60 grams per meal. Therefore, they should really take into account the amount of carbohydrates being consumed in a day.

7. Wine

Even though the grapes look smaller than some of the other high carbohydrate fruits, many people mengonsumsinya not enough only one fruit. You need to know, in a bowl of wine contain 27 grams of carbohydrates. The consumption of this fruit is too much can also cause negative effects such as the emergence of allergies and digestive problems.

Well, that's some high carb fruits that you must limit the konsumsinya. You need to know, in normal conditions the body burns carbs for energy.

When carbohydrate intake reduced by diets of carbohydrates, the body's metabolism will enter the process to ketosis, i.e. burn fat to get a source of energy. When the fat is burned and became the main source of energy, weight gain can decrease.

Low-carb diet is also believed to be able to fix or prevent serious health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome. However, the claim has yet to be fully proved tersebutu as it still needed further research.

Once you know what are the fruits that contain high carbohydrates, other important matters that should be of concern is the long term carbohydrates diet can cause bone porous body, a lack of minerals and vitamins, as well as the menimbukan problem on the digestive system.

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