10 benefits of Bran for health and beauty

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Many people do not know that ordinary white rice eaten does not contain bran. Should rice are eaten still contains bran because of nutritional and rich benefits. Discover the benefits of bran for health and beauty.

10 benefits of Bran for health and beauty
10 benefits of Bran for health and beauty

Read on to find other information such as bran, understanding types of bran, Bran nutrient content, and more.

What is bran?
Was the bran layer of the skin part in wrapping the rice grain (endosperm). There is also a saying that Bran is the epidermis from rice. Now, the pengonsumsian bran had started to be abandoned since the rice milling is done by machine.

Penumbukan rice bran for consumption still has been slowly abandoned. Rice milling machine has been making do with the bran is truly missing from the rice.

Bran benefits for health and beauty

The benefits of the bran has been explored and there is certainly very closely with the content of the substances present in the bran. It is important for you to know some of the benefits of the bran so that this can motivate you to eating bran.

The following are the benefits of the bran for beauty and health:

1. Prevent Alzheimer's disease

Bran contain antioxidants, namely acid and tocopherol ferulat. These antioxidant substances is quite important because it could prevent the incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Thus the benefits of bran can prevent Alzheimer's disease.

2. Maintain heart health

The benefits of red rice bran is very good for heart health. There is some content that support these benefits. Vitamin B15 acts against muscle metabolism include heart muscle so that the heart of the lebihkuat.

In addition, the content of other substances can lower the bad cholesterol levels which make your heart healthier. Therefore, it is recommended to eat bran routinely so that heart stay healthy.

3. increase muscle metabolism

Vitamin B15 or pangamik acid that is in the bran has a role against the protein metabolism. It can support the synthesis of the methylation plays a role in protein metabolism.

4. Prevent diabetes

Benefits of bran can also prevent the occurrence of diabetes. There is a content of antioxidants namely oryzanol, tocopherols and sour ferulat in bran. The content of antioxidants that can inhibit the onset of diabetes.

5. Lower the risk of cancer

There is a content of nutritional substances that are present in the bran could lower the risk of cancer. The content of vitamin E, orizanol, not saturated fats and can prevent the body of the famous cancer risk.

6. Lower bad cholesterol levels

Benefits of bran can also lower your bad cholesterol levels such as triglycerides. There is a study that respondents are given a diet of bran showed decreased levels of triglycerides. It can also prevent disease atherosclerosis.

7. Supports the growth of bones and teeth

It's been mentioned before that the bran contains many types of essential minerals. Several types of minerals such as calcium and magnesium have benefits that can support the growth of bones and teeth.

8. Improve nerve function

Benefits of the bran is good enough for the brain because of the vitamin B complex. Kandunagn B complex vitamins have benefits to improve nerve function. In addition, vitamin B15 can increase the supply of oxygen in the brain.

9. Keep the tissue growth

Bran is quite rich in protein content. As it known that protein is good nutrients for the growth of tissue in the body. Protein can also maintain network functionality.

Thus, it can be said that the benefits of the bran is very related to the benefits of protein for the body. Some of the benefits of protein is also the benefits of the bran is to grow flowers, restoration of the sick, pregnancy support, and more.

10. Prevent constipation

Some of the fiber content in bran makes bran can prevent the body from constipation. The fibres in the bran will improve the digestion process to the excretion so constipation or constipation can be prevented.

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