The movement to Relieve Vertigo

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Every person who is experiencing vertigo will certainly created anxiety. In addition caused due to the sensation of spinning head, vertigo often appear suddenly. The following are several ways to overcome vertigo, one of them with an exercise Brandt-Daroff Epley maneuver and:

The movement to Relieve Vertigo
The movement to Relieve Vertigo

Adjust your sitting position on the bed. Swivel Head 45 degrees to the left until it approached the shoulders. Then place the pillow just below the shoulders.

Be careful in moving the body to lie in bed with fixed head position in conditions of oblique. Position the pillow just below the shoulders. Try lying down for 30 seconds until vertigo subsides.

In a State that's lying down, try to turn your head 90 degrees to the right and hold for up to 30 seconds.

After that, position the head and body to the right side to overlook the floor for 30 seconds.
When you try to wake up, take up a position of the body such as crunches. However, you remain around the bed.

In addition, how to resolve other vertigo can also be done with therapy. The therapy of vertigo is performed depends on the underlying cause. In many cases, actual vertigo can be lost by myself without doing therapy. This happens because your brain can adapt to changes in the ear. The therapy may be given to vertigo, among others:

Vestibular rehabilitation

Physical therapy aims to strengthen the system of balance. The functions of the balance system is to send signals to the brain about the movement of the head and the body against gravity.

Therapy repositioning maneuver or Epley kanalit

This therapy is done to move the calcium deposits out of the Canal into the room in the ear so it can be absorbed by the body.


Drugs that can be given are drug to overcome nausea or motion sickness associated with vertigo. Antibiotics and steroids may be given to reduce inflammation and heal the infection.

Surgical therapy

Responses If Someone Experiencing Vertigo
Once you know how to cope with vertigo as above, another important thing to know is what if others are experiencing vertigo. How is the proper handling of vertigo?

1. Support the body of the sufferer

When vertigo sufferers relapsing, soon to make sure you are prepared to sustain his body when at any time will drop due to loss of balance. Whenever possible, help him to sit or lean on somewhere. After that, you can offer a sweet and warm drinks.

2. Give a sedative

If the ailment belongs to acute, you can give him a sedative or an antidote to nausea and vomiting as the handling form of vertigo.

3. Immediately take it to the hospital

After first aid vertigo you do, immediately bring the sufferer to the nearest clinic or hospital to immediately get the proper handling of vertigo, including diagnosing and finding the cause of the symptoms that affect them, because when left it It is thus in fact will grow worse.

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